Hydration When Running

Hydration When Running

Hydration during running may sound difficult but it is not as complicated to maintain as you may think.

You sweat when you run. Blood volume decreases when you sweat. This forces your heart to work harder to deliver oxygen to your muscles. This can cause you to feel uncomfortable and to slow down.

Drinking when running can help to eliminate these negative effects caused by dehydration. So how much should you drink, when should you drink it and is there anything else you can drink besides water?

It is possible to drink too much liquid during exercise. Do not force yourself to swallow more than your body needs as this can lead to gastrointestinal distress or water intoxication, in rare cases. Simply drink according to your thirst. Keep an adequate supply of liquid with you during your run. You will naturally drink what your body needs to optimize your performance by simply listening to your body.

If your workouts are longer than an hour, you should keep liquids with you. Dehydration affects performance in workouts that last longer than an hour. If your workout is shorter in duration, you do not necessarily need to keep a drink on your person – but you can if you choose to.

Plain water is a great option as are sports drinks. Sports drinks are specifically formulated to replace sodium and other minerals your body flushes out when sweating. Sports drinks also offer a source of energy to your muscles through carbohydrates. According to research studies, sports drinks can help to enhance performance in high-intensity workouts and runs and races that are longer in duration.

To keep water with you, simply grab a squeeze bottle and stash it in a fluid belt worn around your waist. If you are going for a longer run, ensure that you have a place to refill your water bottle along your path.